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  • Good day,
    My name is Dr.Ronald Morris,I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( for more details.

  • Hello Ashton,

    The last time I saw you you were a Merchant Marine and we were driving down I-91 toward Guilford Conn. and we stopped and had a lobster dinner.  How are you now?  Where are you now?  Do you remember me (I think no one's going to remember me--I was a bit of a loner).  I look pretty much the same.  The long blond hair has turned to long silver hair but otherwise not much has changed.  Still have a big grin.  Drop a line if you feel like it.  Libby Olsen.

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