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  • Adam!  Adam Woods.  Who went off to Australia...

  • Didn't know about Petit.  Sad.  Yeh, sad.  The Visit: You showed up one day with a couple of people one day while I was at YPI (Yale Psychiatric Instute).  I agree: not so memorable but I've always been very grateful to you for having dropped by.  Ezra and Woods (I''m pulling a blank on his first name: the one who carved "Kill Nixon" on his desk when we were taking SATS in town, bringing the FBI to Upwey two days later.  Later moved to Australia and did sheep.) also came.  That was a long, long time ago.

    No, of course I'm not helping with the WCS.  I got Crohn's disease when I was 22 so I can't do anything useful or at all helpful.  Under other circumstances it would be quite a convenience.

    Was just remembering one summer night when Stuart and I and Petite set out to walk over the mountain to your house.  We didn't even bring a flash light, the roads were all washed out, but on and on we went through the woods, up and down the mountain, until just at dawn we came upon a road expecting any moment to be at your house.  But we were only about an eighth of a mile from where we'd started: we'd walked in a huge circle 

    There's a beautiful picture of Petite and Stuart on my Continuum page.

    Great to "chat".  Glad you're well.



  • Hi Libby! I have absolutely no recollection of that visit. New Haven? Person accompanying me? HA!  Which is not an overall indication of any lack of memory of you, Libby...I remember you vividly. Thanks for touching base with me.

    I am aware of Stuart's passing. What a wonderful man! He was so kind. Also David Petit passed, and - perhaps not as well known - Jeff Neuhoff (one of the "Farm House 5" ....)

    I did go to the 2015 reunion. It was fun to see people there. I see Fred's posts on FB sometimes.

    What a ride, eh?

    Are you helping out with the Continuum stuff for the upcoming reunion? I don't think I'll be attending, as I live in Santa Fe and it's a haul to VT more than every few years. But it's great after all these years for WCS to still be holding reunions.

    Best regards to you!


  • Hello Deb, great photo.  I think the last time I saw you was in New Haven.  The visit was great if a little weird.  I''m trying to remember who came with you; do you remember?  I'm doing all this Continuum stuff to practice for the upcoming reunion.  Life has been so busy and this stuff is precious--but oh so ancient.  You know about Stuart right?  I'm sure you've heard.  

  • Good day,
    My name is Dr.Ronald Morris,I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( for more details.

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