Louise H. Emmons left a comment for Louise H. Emmons
"This troll is going from person to person, so needs removal, Louise Emmons"
Mar 12, 2019
Louise H. Emmons left a comment for Dana Miller
Yep, I'm coming to the reunion. Alas, its been years since I went sailing. I've been roaming the tropics as a vagrant mammalogist/ecologist, and still trekking."
Jul 18, 2015
Louise H. Emmons left a comment for John D Morris, II
"Hi John,

Look forward to my first WCS reunion and seeing (very) old friends after 55 yr. Your farm sounds like paradise. Louise"
Jul 18, 2015
Louise H. Emmons left a comment for Retta Thompson Clews
"Hi Retta,

This time I will make it to the reunion! Tried to e-mail you, but the address I had at quilters was defunct. I am now at emmonslou@gmail.com
Hope to see you there?"
Jul 18, 2015
Louise H. Emmons left a comment for Sophia(Cassandra) Clemens Hughes
"Hi Sophia: I much look forward to the reunion and glad to see you are coming. Did you move to Vt? Louise Emmons"
May 11, 2015