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  • God Bless you... Thanks for asking. Had a mere 4 surgeries connected to all that!   OK now... Thanks for asking.  Getting old is definitely not for sissies. Not that we're old yet, definitely not -- but getting old-ER...   Definitely will be at next get together, yes.  Maybe look for me on digital radio soon... if everything works out.  And if people like it.  The older I get... and the more assholes I work for, or run into out there in the world -- the more I appreciate and love everyone from WCS,  Especially you and a few other very special people... you know who they all are.  Let's try to talk on the phone at least once -- before then maybe.  If you feel up to it.  And even if you don't!  If I get your number I'll call you. And if  you don't like that, at least know that I'm always there for you -- anytime...  Much Love, Always....Geoffrey

  • Another scam idiot now calling himself "Sophie"... That's not too obvious is it.  "...picked interest on you..."  Real good English.

    I clicked on a communications link for Karen.. How are you!  Trust all is OK by you.  Getting older is a lot of fun, right?  Well, if you want to speak  I'm there.  If not, I'm still there, for whenever you do -- Same for Karen.  I am also there.  At least for another 25 or 30 years anyway.... Geoffrey

  • Hi Mimi!

    this spam guy got me on here. How are you?


  • Good day,

    I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and demand it necessary to write you immediately. I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on ( for the full details.

    Have a nice day.
    Sophie Reyer.

  • Hi Mimi, 

    How are you. Yes, I see and talk to Moss pretty often. I'd love to talk to you and reminisce about old times. my home email is if you want to send me your phone # or email.

  • Welcome to Continuum! ;-)))

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