Geoffrey Sadwith left a comment for Mimi Dejanikus
"God Bless you... Thanks for asking. Had a mere 4 surgeries connected to all that!   OK now... Thanks for asking.  Getting old is definitely not for sissies. Not that we're old yet, definitely not -- but getting old-ER...   Definitely will be at next…"
Mar 17, 2019
Geoffrey Sadwith left a comment for Mimi Dejanikus
"Another scam idiot now calling himself "Sophie"... That's not too obvious is it.  "...picked interest on you..."  Real good English.
I clicked on a communications link for Karen.. How are you!  Trust all is OK by you.  Getting older is a lot of fun,…"
Mar 12, 2019
Geoffrey Sadwith left a comment for Mark Smith
"Hey Mark -- Glad you're doing well... Was thinking about you and some of our other WCS friends the other day...  I think about all the guys and gals at WCS frequenty these days, as a matter of fact.  Despite long passages of time, it's never far…"
Mar 12, 2019
Geoffrey Sadwith left a comment for Sioux Eagle
"So-called "Dr.Ronald Morris" is not a native English speaker... My best guess would be Nigeria.  I have a lot of experience fielding emails form guys like this. His name is most likely not even genuine.  And his con man financial "offering"  is…"
Mar 12, 2019
Geoffrey Sadwith left a comment for Karen Sanderson
"So-called "Dr." Ronald Morris is pushing around a scam, obviously, and should be blocked from this Website.  We don't need con men in this neighborhood."
Mar 12, 2019
Geoffrey Sadwith left a comment for Joseph Danciger(Joe)
"Hey Joe -- Nice hearing from you.... Trust all is well by you.  Living in the Trump age.  All trying to survive it."
Aug 1, 2018