Sarah (Wark) Brownell left a comment for Mark Smith
"There was a Mark Smith at WCS in 1968.  If this is you, you might remember me, Sarah Wark, and I have a wonderful poem and drawing you did for me you might like to see.  Email me at"
Dec 3, 2018
Sarah (Wark) Brownell left a comment for Alex Treitler
"Alex,  was your father Leo Treitler?  If so, I have a wonderful memory to share.  Please email me at  (formerly Sarah Wark)"
Dec 3, 2018
Sarah (Wark) Brownell left a comment for Hall Hitzig
"Hall Hitzig!  Close to FIFTY years ago I considered you my big brother friend.  Great to see you here. Now you have to put up some current pictures, forget about the aging, we're all doing it, but it would be so nice to see your face.  Fond, fond…"
Mar 29, 2018
Sarah (Wark) Brownell left a comment for Rick Farrar
"Thanks for those words.  My life has been an adventure, for sure. I want to thank you for some words you said to me in May 1972 but I have to find a private setting to do that.  What you said actually started me on a journey that culminates at…"
Sep 12, 2016
Sarah (Wark) Brownell left a comment for Rick Farrar
"How glad I am to see your name today.  You sent me an email years ago I never answered but always intended to.  Perhaps now that will actually happen.  So many memories..."
Aug 12, 2016