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  • Hi Bill, good to from you, not sure about the individual you mentioned. Hope all is well with everyone.
  • PS  You seem to have changed a lot, being now all green. 

  • Hi Jeffrey, 

    And thanks for the undeserved flattery. 

    We all do change, and sometimes it's not too bad....  

    If you submit a friend request, I do believe the requestee will receive an email. On the other hand, I could be wrong, so I disclaim all responsibility while wishing you the best of luck. 

    Do I remember you correctly: tall, thin, on the quiet side? 

    Welcome to Continuum, belatedly

  • Hi Bill,

    Wow, you really haven't changed except for the hair color (at 16, anyone over 25 looked ancient to me anyways).

    Nice to see this group although I would have been heartened to see more activity.

    If I submit a friend request, will the person be notified by email?

    Thanks, and glad to be here among the memories.

  • No I have not, Bill. They look phony to me also.

  • Hi Tom, I really don't know if any of those are legit, but they have signs of fraud: (1) non-grammatical, (2) non-specific, (3) empty urgency, (4) imaginary intimacy, (5) no actual content, just phishing  

    Have you tried answering them on Continuum, asking for verification? 

  • to: William Boardman:

    I see a fair number of posts that read ",I picked interest on you after going through your short profile and deemed it necessary to write you immediately.I have something very vital to disclose to you, but I found it difficult to express myself here, since it's a public site.Could you please get back to me on..." from two different people as well as non-WCS sites. Are they legit? -Tom Wallace

  • Thanks for the welcome.

    WCS was a life changing experience for me. Coming from a working class family living in a small town in New Hampshire, at times I felt as if I had landed on Mars. The place seemed filled with exotics. However, the raw collective intelligence of the students there impressed me to a greater degree than at any place I ever encountered in the years that followed, and I have spent a lot of time in university, consulting and research settings. 

    That I was able to hold my own in that little hothouse was deeply validating at a time when I needed it.

    While I never determined quite how I fit in with my fellow students whose life experiences were so utterly different from mine, I was deeply grateful for every day I spent there. 

  • Hope this ends up on your wall, Bill. :-) Nope on the Arkansas question; I'm an Okie now, chasing tornadoes. :-o
  • Hi Annie, and what a great comment.  When I was interviewing people for the history, my first question was always: what brought you to Woodstock?  More often than not there was an interesting story, a variety of interesting stories.  In a perfect fantasy world you would have a cache of your mother's and David's romantic correspondence, yes? 

    Good for you getting your certificate – as it happens, I have the presumably last stash of actual diplomas, suitable for pasting in the book of your choice.  If you would like one, let me know and I can send it to you with the simulated signature of your headmaster of choice, or other. And be sure to indicate whether you'd like to graduate with Honors ;-)))  

    Excellent that Lowell Naeve served you well.  He has always seemed to me one of the heroes of the place, the sort of person who found shelter at the school when it was working at its best.  

    Ah, the weapons carrier, I had forgotten about the weapons carrier, probably because I never actually got to drive it myself....  all best, Bill 

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